Traditional Braces Columbus

Trusted, Reliable, and Effective Orthodontics

Girl with beanie and traditional braces in Columbus

Traditional braces in Columbus can address the most complex cases of bite misalignment as well as crooked or gapped teeth, and they continue to be the most common method of treatment for patients, no matter their age. At Wigal Orthodontics, we proudly offer these metal brackets and wires; however, they are now smaller and smoother than before – a welcome relief for anyone requiring this type of orthodontic solution. If you are ready to meet with Dr. Wigal or Dr. Kluemper about the prospect of traditional braces, call us to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Why Should the Teeth Be Straightened?

Two women sitting at table discussing braces

There are many reasons why seeking orthodontic help for crooked or misaligned teeth is important. Although many patients suffer from embarrassment because of their smile aesthetics, there are more serious consequences that can occur if treatment is not provided.

Teeth should be straightened to avoid:

  • Poor oral health and hygiene. Crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth can be hard to clean, so bacteria can easily accumulate, resulting in cavities and gum disease.
  • Difficulty eating and speaking. A misaligned bite can lead to painful chewing when attempting to eat certain foods. It can also cause slurred speech or a troublesome lisp.
  • Worn-down tooth enamel. Teeth that don’t properly line up can begin to wear down over time. When biting or chewing, uneven pressure can cause potential tooth damage. This can also occur while speaking.
  • Improper tooth eruption. Children with misaligned primary teeth can experience abnormal eruptions once adult teeth move into place. This can result in more complex orthodontic treatment if it is left to address once they are older.

Braces Basics

Girl with floppy hat and braces

Traditional braces consist of a metal bracket-and-wire system that attaches to teeth and causes them to move in the right direction over time. Each bracket is bonded to the tooth’s surface before an archwire is threaded through the brackets. The wire guides the teeth throughout treatment and must be tightened and replaced at different intervals. Holding the archwire in place are small elastics that attach to the brackets.

There are a few key components every patient should understand when preparing to receive traditional braces:

  • Patient timelines will vary. No two cases are the same, so the timeline for treatment will vary. Typically, it should take no more than 12-24 months; however, this is different for each person.
  • Orthodontics is a two-phase form of treatment. The way traditional braces work is by moving the crowns first before shifting the roots. This process is highly effective in closing unnecessary gaps, creating space for crowded teeth, and realigning bites so that patients can freely eat and speak.

How Do I Know If I / My Child Needs Braces?

Girl with braces hugging other girl with braces from side

It’s easy to dismiss certain growths and abnormalities associated with you or your child’s smile. The assumption is that it will go away on its own or just “fix itself,” but this is not true. Should you notice any of the following signs, do not wait to call our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Wigal or Dr. Kluemper:

  • Teeth are no longer aligned properly, and it’s causing problems while eating or speaking
  • Teeth appear crowded, gapped, or are unable to erupt properly
  • Your child’s baby teeth come in early or late, or their primary teeth fall out irregularly
  • The jaw is unable to close evenly
  • The jaw and teeth appear disproportioned to the face

Clear / Ceramic Braces

Woman with floral shirt in front of brick wall

As effective as traditional braces are in addressing minor and complex orthodontic issues, there is one thing patients complain the most about – their visibility. This is why we are pleased to provide an alternative – clear/ceramic braces. Built to appear more subtle and discreet, they give patients the option to pursue treatment without feeling self-conscious about their appearance. With clear ceramic brackets, a tooth-colored wire, and matching elastics, they produce the same kind of results as regular metal but without the eye-catching attention of those around you.

Learn More About Clear/Ceramic Braces

Phase 1 Pediatric Orthodontics

Two boys with braces with arms around each other

Tooth misalignment and crookedness can arise early on, making Phase 1 Pediatric Orthodontics a worthwhile option if more extensive treatment is to be significantly reduced later on. Dr. Wigal or Dr. Kluemper can craft a treatment plan that not only realigns crooked baby teeth but also encourages proper development and orientation of the jaw and promotes healthy permanent tooth eruption. With Phase 1 Pediatric Orthodontics, we can take care of the foundational concerns so that longer treatment is not required in the future.

Learn More About Phase 1 Pediatric Orthodontics